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Live with music

An ensemble of sound experts, musicians, and designers creates a highly usable space.

From private soundproof rooms to music condominiums and small halls,


we create [sound] according to the scale and use.


Let's create a rich place together with music.

Live with music

Live with music

​Live with music

Our Special Projects 2020〜2022

Create a popular soundproof apartment
What kind of process should a music apartment be planned?
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Community rental residence  SHINKA
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Life with soundproof room

In the morning, play the piano before going to work. Think in a quiet room. Exercise lightly. Practice singing in a loud voice, training vocalization. Watch movies at high volume. The high quality of the soundproof room meets the new lifestyle.



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​Create the best sound

A unique music space completed in Shinkawa, Chuo-ku, Tokyo. A hall with a reputation for sound has been completed in the basement of an apartment complex where many music lovers live.

It is used by many artists for singing, gathering, talking and playing.

Nice relationship with Kitchen
Piano corner​|Quarter rest house

Location of upright piano. it's difficult. Good communication was born by this arrangement, and it became fun to play every day.

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Pianos are often located in chair rooms. This house created a fun music gathering in a living room where you can relax in a low posture with a soft floor and cushion bench.

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Easy Living Piano Corner
High windows and chic colors

Deep brown alcove in a pure white space. An arrangement and color method that naturally blends in the presence of the piano.。

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Music room on the street corner

Music between places where the view is open to the streets along the vast park. Fun concerts and music classes. With the playing of the bleeding piano. The street corner is music and it's gorgeous.

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Resonate in the dirt space

The dirt space at the entrance where bright indirect rays pour from the sky. The sound of the board and the natural wood lattice, the concrete floor and the air volume of the blow-off are mellow.

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Junji Hasegawa Architects & Asociates

Hasegawa Design JP

SHINKA 11F, 2-19-8 Shinkawa, Chuo-ku, Tokyo



Tel: 03-3523-6063

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From houses to small halls and music condominiums, we will design the space without compromising the joy of creating music and the excitement of ensemble.


From houses to small halls and music condominiums, we will design the space without compromising the joy of creating music and the excitement of ensemble.

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A musician group led by Shin Yayoi, a pianist and educator. From learning theories, playing piano, and singing, we provide a wealth of support for those who want to acquire musical skills.

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