News & New project
Prefered Senzoku

Retreat and well-being lifestyle
Healthy relationship between work and home

Creating like a villa | Resort style | Healing and relaxing | Weekend house
Creating like a villa | Resort style | Healing and relaxing | Weekend house
Creating like a villa | Resort style | Healing and relaxing | Weekend house
Sustainable development project

Hasegawa Design Jp
Hasegawa Architectural Design Office
architect | Hasegawa Junmochi
東京都中央区新川2-19-8 SHINKA 11階
SHINKA11F,2-19-8 Shinkawa,Chuo-ku, Tokyo


This site has been set up to respond to those who want to collect information while they are at home for a long time.
Due to the influence of Corona, the days of being prompted to reconsider the relationship between the ideal way to live and the place to work continue. Each person feels comfortable in the place they spend, but I think they all share the same desire to live, work, and spend a lot of time at that place.
★ Live music | It's not too far to have a natural gathering day. The realistic communication that music has will continue to be important.
★ Let's create it like a villa | In search of a place where you can spend a gentle and healthy life.
★ Living with a workplace | 21 selected homes with workplaces were carefully selected and categorized by pattern. Plan collection will be updated at a later date.
We have an e-mail consultation service and an online consultation service [reservation required]. Please use it.